Comedy Dinner Deluxe

Comedy Dinner Deluxe with Ingo Appelt new show: »STARTSCHUSS - Auf die Kacke, fertig, los!«

“Where have they gone, the good years? Nothing is as it has been! Everything is going down the drain!” - When everyone complains, one person comes in place and makes it his own: Ingo Appelt! The last man standing, one of a kind, with his best program ever. Fully doped and with a “Hurray, we’re feeling bad!” on his lips, the comedian of merciless humor sets out to attack the general annoyance in the world. Someone has to do it, it doesn't help - it appeals! With his show he keeps the balance in place! After the respective comedy sequences, the various courses of the dinner waits for the guests!

Note: Show in german language only.



  • Starter: Spring salad - asparagus, chickpeas, orange dressing
  • Main course: Braised short ribs - kohlrabi, herb mushrooms, gremolata, celery puree
  • Dessert: lemon tart with strawberry sorbet
Ship for this cruise: MS Stadt Bregenz (subject to change)
microphone-karaoke 1
Anyone who hears the name Ingo Appelt associates one thing with it above all: bad jokes and dark humor. The comedian from the Ruhr region doesn't mince his words during his performances and still manages to garnish his messages with lots of wit. Do not miss the show!
Schedule and prices

Wednesday, May 08th and Thursday, May 09th 24
departure harbor Bregenz 19.30 / arrival harbor Bregenz 22.00 / entry 19.00


Price incl. boat trip, three course meal (Pier69 - On Board), aperitif, comedy show, table reservation, arrival /departure VVV                                                      

Adult € 115,00

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